Dissecting Apache OFBiz CVE-2023-49070: Authentication Bypass


Apache OFBiz is a suite of business applications flexible enough to be used across any industry. A common architecture allows developers to easily extend or enhance it to create custom features.

From the above information from the NVD, we learn that the vulnerability in Apache OFBiz could lead to authentication bypass, potentially resulting in remote code execution.

From the NVD, we get this link https://ofbiz.apache.org/security.html, which tells us the versions that are vulnerable and the patched version.

Affected version<=18.12.10link
Patched version18.12.11link

Now we will download both the source code onto our machine to do the patch analysis.

Patch Analysis

Once we have both the affected (<=18.12.10) and the patched code (18.12.11), we can use tools like Git to examine the patch diff.

After examining the patch diff, we observed that 12 files had been changed, including 3 java files. One particular Java file caught my eye, which looked interesting, it was handling the authentication framework in webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/webapp/control/LoginWorker.java.

There are 2 major changes in the patch:

  1. Null and empty check: In the vulnerable version, there was only a check if the user supplied data is null or not. In the patched version, UtilValidate.isEmpty() is used to ensure no null or empty user-supplied data is passed in the request.

  2. login() return: The login() function logic has been changed to stop returning requirePasswordChange and to return only error in the patched version.

Understanding the checkLogin()

  • First, it checks if the user is already logged out or not by calling checkLogout(). If userLogin is null, the user may be logged out or the session might have expired.

  • If userLogin is null, the method retrieves username, password, and token from the request. If these are not provided by the user, it then looks for these values in the session attributes.

  • The application tries to authenticate the user by calling login() if the username, password, or token are not null.

  • If the username, password, and token are all null, or if login() returns an error,checkLogin() will return an error, preventing the user from logging in.

Bypassing the first condition

As there are no check if the user provided data is empty, we can sent an request with empty data to debug in intellij and see what happens.


From the above image we can see that we have suceefully bypassed the first condition.

Understanding the login()

  • The function initially retrieves the current session of the user, obtaining username, password, token, and forgotPwdFlag from the request parameters. If any of these values are null, they are retrieved from the session attribute.

  • If forgotPwdFlag is set to true, the password is decrypted using EntityCrypto for the decryption process.

  • If the username, password, or token are null, it records error messages in unpwErrMsgList.

  • It then checks if the requirePasswordChange parameter is set to Y. If it is, requirePasswordChange will be returned by the login(), even if there are errors in unpwErrMsgList.

bypassing the second condition

To bypass the second condition, we can force the login() function to return requirePasswordChange instead of error by setting the requirePasswordChange parameter to Y. This behavior will lead to authentication bypass.

request: /?USERNAME=&PASSWORD=&requirePasswordChange=Y


For exploitation, we need to find an authenticated endpoint in the Apache OFBiz project. From this file, we know that the ping endpoint is an authenticated endpoint. We can refer to the file apache-ofbiz-18.12.10/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/controller.xml, we can find that the ping endpoint requires authenticatio because the auth is set to true.



Aman and Hritik for explaining the java concepts and helping to recreate the poc. Do checkout their blogs https://0xsapra.com/, https://rick.wiki/.


https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-51467 https://ofbiz.apache.org/security.html https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ofbiz/demo+and+test+setup+guide https://blog.sonicwall.com/en-us/2023/12/sonicwall-discovers-critical-apache-ofbiz-zero-day-authbiz/