
Data Types

Char -> Byte

Short -> Word

int/long -> DoubleWord

double/long long -> Quad Word

Long Double -> Double Quad Word

Negative numbers

1’s complement - flip bits 0->1 , 1->0

2’s complement - 1’s complement + 1

Positive Number is between 0x01 - 0x7F

Negative Number is between 0x80 - 0xFF

Architecture CISC and RISC


Eg; Intel


More registers , less and fixed instructions

Eg: ARM, PowerPC

Little Endian -> 0x12345678 -> 78,56,34,12 -> Ram , Eg:Intel

Big Endian -> 0x12345678 -> 12,34,56,78 -> Registers


  • Small memory built into the processor(volatile memory)
  • In Intel we have 8 general purpose registers + IP

Register Conventions -1

  • EAX - Stores function return values eg: int sub(){return 0xbeef;}
  • EBX - Base pointer to the data section
  • ECX - Counter for string and loop operations
  • EDX - I/O pointer

Register Conventions -2

  • ESI - Source pointer for string operations
  • EDI - Destination pointer for string operations
  • ESP - stack pointer, always points towards the top of the stack.
  • EBP - Stack frame base pointer
  • EIP - Pointer to next instruction to execute

Register Conventions -3

  • Caller-save registers - eax,edx,ecx , values get deleted when calling another function
  • Callee -save registers - ebp,ebx,esi,edi values would not get deleted


  • Registers
  • Zero Flag- set if the result of some instruction is zero
  • Sign Flag - 0 indicates positive value and 1 indicates negative


  1. NOP
    1. No operation . Just to pad/align byte or to delay time. Used in buffer overflow exploit. ( intel’s example 16 byte )
  2. PUSH
    2. Can be a numeric constant. For instance, push 4 will push 00000004 to the stack. 3. Can be the value in a register. Eg: push eax; will push the value inside eax 4. Push instruction automatically decrements the ESP by 4 bytes
  3. POP 5. Take Dword off the stack 6. Put in a register 7. Increment by 4 bytes
  4. CALL 8. Implicitly modifying EIP 9. Transfer control to a different function, in a way that it can be resumed where it left off 10. What’s happening behind when CALL instruction is done 1. Push the address of the next instruction onto the stack 2. Then it changes EIP to the address given in the instruction 11. Destination address can be specified in multiple ways 3. Absolute address eg : go to 0x00239082 4. Relative address eg: go to hex 50 bytes passed to the end of the next instruction
  5. RET 12. Two types 5. CDECL - POP the top of the stack into EIP 6. STDL - POP the top of the stack into EIP and add a constant number of bytes to esp. Eg ret 0x20
  6. **MOV ** 13. Can move 7. Register to register 8. Memory to register and vice versa 9. Immediate(constants hard coded to the instruction stream ) to register and vice versa 14. Never memory to memory
  7. LEA 15. Load Effective Address 16. Calculates whatever address inside the ‘[ ]’ and store it back into EAX
  8. ADD 17. ADD ESP, 8 -> ESP = ESP + 8
  9. SUB 18. SUB eax, [ebx*2] = takes the value inside ebx, mul 2, treat it as address then eax - the memory content and store it into eax
  10. JMP 19. Changes the eip to the given address 20. Main forms of address 10. Short relative - 1 byte from end of the instruction eg jmp 0x0E forward 11. Near relative - 4 bytes displacement from the current EIP 12. Absolute - hardcoded address in the instruction 13. Absolute indirect - address calculated with r/m32
  11. JCC 21. Jump if condition is met 22. JNE = JNZ because both instructions check for zero flag 23. JZ/JE -> if true go to jmp . If false, falls into the next instruction 24. JLE 25. JGE
  12. CMP 26. Is performed by subtracting the second operand from the first operand and then setting the status flags 27. Would not store after subtracting
  13. TEST 28. Does logical and on operators 29. Does not store the result 30. Set the flag
  14. **AND ** 31. Does and operations 32. Eg: And al,bl 33. Destination can r/m32 and source can be r/m32 or register or immidiate 34. Sets flag in the background(all logical operators)
  15. OR 35. Does or operation
  16. XOR 36. Does XOR operation
  17. NOT 37. Does NOT operation
  18. SHL 38. Shift logical left << 39. Can be used to multiply( power of 2)
  19. SHR 40. Shift logical right » 41. Can be used to divide number(power of 2)
  20. IMUL 42. 3 forms 14. IMUL r/m32 -> edx:eax=eaxr/m32 15. IMUL reg, r/m32 -> reg = regr/m32 16. IMUL reg. r/m32, immediate -> reg=r/m32 * immediate
  21. DIV 43. Two forms: 17. Unsigned divide ax by r/m8,al=quotient, ah =remainder 18. Unsigned divide EDX:EAX by r/m8 ,eax= quotient ,edx =remainder
  22. REP STOS 44. Repeat a single instruction multiple times 45. Specifies the number of time (loop) in ECX 46. Size should be specified 47. Then data keeps on writing into eax


  • Stack is a conceptual area of main memory(RAM) which is designed by the OS when a program is started.
  • Has certain type of Data structure
  • It can be anywhere in the ram, decided by the OS
  • When a program is started, OS reserves some chunk of ram and put the stack over there
  • LIFO/FILO data structure
  • Stack grows towards the lower memory addresses
  • Top of the stack is always the lowest numeric addresses
  • ESP points towards the top of the stack , lower address -> 00000
  • Keeps tracks of which functions were called before the current one(eg: main and subroutine 1)
  • Holds local variable and frequently used to pass arguments to the next function to be called

Calling Conventions

  • How to pass parameters to a function and how you get parameters back
  • Conventions
    • CDECL
    • STDL
    • C Declaration - most calling convention
    • Functions parameters are pushed onto stack right to left. Eg print(“%d”, myvar). myvar->%d->printf
    • When a function is called, it saves the old stack frame and set up new frame(eg if new new function is called it saves the copy of main( ) frame and set up the stack frame of the newly called function. So after it’s done it can go back to main() stack frame )
    • Caller is responsible for cleaning up the stack(responsible for poping up the parameters of the stack )
  • STDL
    • Used by Microsoft C++ code
    • Functions parameters are pushed onto stack right to left
    • When a function is called, it saves the old stack frame and set up new frame
    • Callee is responsible for cleaning up any stack parameters it takes

General stack frame operation

When a program is executed, first main() reserves space on the stack for it’s local variable. This is done by subtracting ESP in order to make space for local variables. If main() wants to call a subroutine(), main() becomes “the caller”. And performs caller-save register to store those registers if its present. In the next step the parameters are pushed into the stack. Ie: arguments are passed to the callee. When we actually execute the CALL instruction(subroutine()), the saved return address of the next instruction after the CALL instruction will be pushed onto the stack. So that when Callee is done executing the instructions, it can look up the this value and know where to go back.The entire main() stack frame is till this step. EBP always points to the start of the stack frame.

Now the first thing the subroutine() going to do is that it takes the EBP, the pointer which points to the top of the local variables and save it under the stack. So when it’s done and ready to destroy its own stack frame, it takes the stack pointer and put backs to EBP so that it again points to mains frame instead of its own. Then the subroutine() takes any callee-save registers, it will go ahead and save them.Stack frames are a linked list

If subroutine() wants subroutine2(), subroutine has to go through the same steps.

After subroutine() is done, it will clean all parameter, caller-save register, local variables,callee-save registers in sequential order and it takes the saved frame pointer and replace EBP with this value. So that it will point to main() frame. Then all the parameters and local variables in main() will get cleaned.


48. CPU feature identification
49. Tells what features your pc currently supports eg: virtualization
50. Doesn’t have operands
51. Before issue cpuid eax should be set
52. After issuing cpuid eax,ebx,ecx,edx are going to be overridden


53. Push EFlags onto the stack


54. POP stack into EFlags

Control Flow

  • Conditional - if, switch,loops
  • Unconditional - calls, goto,exceptions,interrupts

Inline Assembly

Syntax intel


Mov eax, [esp + 0x4]


Syntax AT&T

asm(“push EBP \n”

“Mov ESP , EBP\n”



Gcc -o <output> <input>

Gcc -o file file.c

-ggdb ->to add debug symbols

Buffer Overflow